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Say hello to the internets most viral Artist "Emily Deechaleune"

July 24, 2015 2 min read 4 Comments

This month we've decided to choose Emily Deechaleune for our monthly Artist Spotlight! We've asked her to tell us a little about her life as well her story as an artist. She's currently one of the worlds most recognized as well viral online artists. Her designs are currently being sold on our shirts to thousands of people around the world.


  Since I was little I knew I wanted to become an artist of some kind. Didn't know what I wanted to do in the Arts field but I knew for sure that I was going to do it for a very long time.         

    Born and raised in Massachusetts. As a young kid my parents would always take me to a book store called "Borders" in the Loop. My dad would walk around the Loop while my brother and I will stay in the book store. That's how I got into drawing. I would always look at picture books because those were always my favorite! Something about them captured my attention. Then, I started looking at drawing books and learning from there.
    Never took any art classes beside the ones in school. Since I graduated from high school I taught myself how to watercolor paint and that stuck to me. I've grown to love the medium so much that I can't even imagine painting in any other way. Also like to add ink to my watercolor because it provides the details while the watercolor provides the color.
      I don't have a specific thing to draw. I mostly draw anything that comes to my mind; portraits, landscapes, animal, etc. as of right now I'm into the whole mandala/ zentangle type of art. I find that type of art form very interesting and meditating. It's relaxing and I let my mind wander as I draw.
     Life is an art form and I believe that you have the right to express your personal thoughts and feelings by creating art. Art is an intimate form of self expression and you can connect with others on a deeper level. I create art for the pleasure to connect with others, and to inspire! Life's too short to pass through without leaving something tangible behind. My names Emily Deechaleune and I will continue to keep creating as long as I can. One love.

Emily Deechaleune 

Here are just a few of her pieces! Some getting upwards to 100,000 plus likes on her shirt design within just one week! 

4 Responses


April 20, 2016

Your work is absolutely breathtaking! How is this process done so your colors don’t run? Absolutely beautiful “wearable art!”


July 25, 2015

This is beyond cool my little as an chick.

Benjamin Myers
Benjamin Myers

July 24, 2015

So happy for you, Em!

Chelsea A
Chelsea A

July 24, 2015

Emily, your find balance design is beautiful, I love it so much that I got it tattooed. It’s a little bit different because the artist couldn’t do all of the details. But I love it. Keep up the amazing work.

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